Easiest Way To Get Flora Camo Cold War

Easiest Way To Get Flora Camo Cold War

Easiest Way to Get Flora Camo Cold War

Flora Camo is a unique camo pattern featured in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War. It is a popular choice among players, due to its distinct look and the fact that it can be earned without spending real money. Here are the easiest ways to get the Flora Camo in Cold War.

1. Play Multiplayer Matches

One of the easiest ways to get Flora Camo in Cold War is to simply play multiplayer matches. As you play, you will earn experience points (XP) and as you level up, you will unlock new weapons and attachments. Once you reach level 31, you will unlock the Flora Camo for the AK-47.

2. Complete Challenges and Contracts

Another easy way to get the Flora Camo is to complete challenges and contracts. These are special tasks that you can complete in order to get rewards, such as XP and camo unlocks. You can find these challenges and contracts in the Challenges and Contracts tab in the main menu.

3. Purchase the Battle Pass

The Battle Pass is a way to get rewards as you play Cold War. As you progress through the Battle Pass, you will unlock various rewards, including the Flora Camo. The Battle Pass can be purchased with real money, so this is not a free option.

4. Participate in Events

Cold War has a variety of events that you can participate in to earn rewards. These events often feature exclusive rewards, such as the Flora Camo. Be sure to check the in-game Events tab to see what’s currently available.


Getting the Flora Camo in Cold War is easier than you might think. With these methods, you can get the camo without spending real money. Whether you play multiplayer matches, complete challenges and contracts, purchase the Battle Pass, or participate in events, you should be able to get the Flora Camo in no time.