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Let's teach the kids to code in a fun way, and see it in action with the pixel art drawing from Microsoft Excel.

Microsoft Excel, a Microsoft Office application that, in general, having boxes on the computer screen when we open it. Whereas, pixel art drawing, is often described as a “sandbox drawing”, using building blocks, as we see from the love shape drawing. We see the similarity in both. That's the idea when I having my breakfast at McDonald one of the morning.

Learn To Code: Pixel Art Drawing With Microsoft Excel - Asy Digital Art Background Tutorial Excel

With the similarity, Microsoft Excel seems a perfect tool, to extract kids' attention to draw the Minecraft art, by learning up the code.

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Microsoft Excel is using VBA (Visual Basic Application), a programming platform, that can interact with row and column, text (value) and color from within.

Like any programming tool, we need an editor for the purpose. For Microsoft Excel, the editor is called “Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications”. The editor came with Microsoft Excel, no separate download is required.

Well done! We are just prepared the environment for our Minecraft art drawing. As we notice, we need the row and column in a square, in order to draw the character in Minecraft way.

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To learn to code, we need to know what is variable. Variable is nothing but a container that we use to keep the thing like string, number or object. Variable can change its form from time to time. For example, before we start our coding, we may initiate a variable with 0 value. But then we add this variable with 5, so, the value of the variable now becomes 5 (0+5). Variable become very useful when we involve with many calculations, or use it to represent something that meaningful.

Let's switch back to our VBA editor by pressing "Alt+F11" on the keyboard. In “HelloWorld_Click” module, within the “Sub” and “End Sub”, let's remove the 2 lines for the rows and columns and replace with below lines of code:

We notice there is a different way to assign a number or string or an object. For number and string, it's easier - just assign the variable with an equal sign. Whereas for object, we have to use "Set" in front of the variable.

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Tips: We notice there is a single quote “ ’ ” at line 13. What the single quote meaning is really nothing but to put a comment on what our code is doing, so that we know it for future, or understand the code easily when the code becomes longer like thousands of lines. For the VBA (Visual Basic Application) programming language, whenever there is a single quote is found at the beginning of the line, the line will not be executed.

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“For… Next” loop is used when we want to carry out the same actions repeatedly. We know most of the pixel art drawing contains only a few colors, and when we put it on sandbox or row and column in Excel, we know it is repeating almost the same colors for each row. Thus, "For... Next" loop is a perfect command we need.

The first "For... Next" loop we called it as outer loop, and the second "For... Next" loop inside the "For... Next" loop we called it an inner loop. And what's inside the "For... Next" is the action, which is the repeated task we want to tell Microsoft Excel to do. To explain it further, assume we have x number of tasks to carry out repeatedly, and inside this x number of tasks, we also have y number of tasks.

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Data is the thing that we want to keep it somewhere for later use. Data can be the variable value that we assigned previously, but data stored in "variable" will not retain when we restart Microsoft Excel (application). Database is the place to keep the data, where it will retain after the Microsoft Excel (application) is restarted. In our example, the rows and columns from Microsoft Excel are our database structure.

Surprise to see what we just draw? Although just 2 lines (line 4 & 5), we notice the top part of the heart shape now.

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Let's review our code, by referring to the pictures. Please take note that the numbers on the pictures represent the steps in the below bullet lists:

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But wait! Our pixel art heart is halfway completed? That's right! We need to finish it all. Let's continue to enter the drawing point or data to the table/database, by referring to the heart picture. After we completed the data entry, click on the "Draw Me!" button to check on the change. If the heart is not properly drawn, most properly the drawing point is not entering correctly. Correct it and "Draw Me!" again.Editor's note: The brush sets linked below are not necessarily the brushes that were used in this tutorial. The brushes below were recommended by the author. Please feel free to use brushes from your own collections.

Usually I'm not much of a sketcher, so coloring is usually my first step, but when I'm painting something more detailed, I like to think about what I am doing. It is important not to get attached to the sketch, most of the times the final piece is different from the initial sketch, use the sketch to help you with the overall composition. If you feel more comfortable using a pencil and paper, draw it by hand and scan it into your computer.

Ok, so after you have an idea of what you want to paint it's time to select you color palette, this is not an easy task. What I do is select the base color depending on what I am painting, and start mixing colors you think would fit your purpose. Since I'm painting a lot of rocks and grass, my base colors are grey and green. In this step it's important if you start thinking about the light. As you can see in the picture below, the light is coming from the right side, so I just started to paint with lighter colors on the spots facing that direction. One thing that could help you with the light and color selection is the sky, when you have the base color for the sky that can make you work much easier, so I just added a sky to help me to create more realistic colors, lightning and mood.

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Learn To Code: Pixel Art Drawing With Microsoft Excel

So as you can see, now I have a rough painting and I can now start to add details. The next thing to do is quite simple, take your lasso tool and start defining the mountains so you can have more accurate results when painting them.

After that just cover all the selected area with a base color, in my case I just used grey. When I want a more detailed piece, I use clipping masks, because I can easily control my painting area. It's quite simple to do it, just create a new layer above the one that you want to detail, and then go to Layer > Create Clipping Mask (or just press Alt + Command/Ctrl + G) now, everything you paint on this layer will only be visible on the area of the layer from below. On this new layer, start by defining the light and shadows; try to make it simple so you have a better overview on your light.

When working on the mountains, keep in mind that the veining on the mountains is actually quite easy to achieve. Use a small round brush, set to color dodge with blood red, and then start to paint, as you experienced before using color dodge, every time you repeat a brush stroke on the makes the color brighter.

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So, now it's time to start the detailing process. To help me with that task I have some nice brushes that I have collected over the years. I have included some brush sets in the Tutorial Assets section of this tutorial. Feel free to give those brushes a try. The biggest piece of advice that I can offer is to get to know the brushes that you use. Then you will know which brushes are best for your situation. Once you know the capabilities of the brushes you are using for the project, you can start to add in some details. Occasionally, I will use a texture brush when I paint but for the most part, I use simple brushes like the one below to paint in details.

What Is Excel Art? & How To Start Making Your Own (Pixel Art Guide) - Asy Digital Art Background Tutorial Excel

The clouds can be a bit tricky, and again, depends on the level of detail you want, in this case I used a simple cloud brush to get the main shape.

To detail the clouds I used the smudge tool, it gives you good control over the details on that kind of material. Select the smudge tool, with a the same brush used before around 5-6px large, and check the finger painting box, this mean that if you use the smudge tool on the canvas you can paint a small stroke before you actually start to smudge. However there is a nice shortcut for this feature that I

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All articles published by are made immediately available worldwide under an open access license. No special permission is required to reuse all or part of the article published by , including figures and tables. For articles published under an open access Creative Common CC BY license, any part of the article may be reused without permission provided that the original article is clearly cited. For more information, please refer to https:///openaccess.

Feature papers represent the most advanced research with significant potential for high impact in the field. A Feature Paper should be a substantial original Article that involves several techniques or approaches, provides an outlook for future research directions and describes possible research applications.

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Editor’s Choice articles are based on recommendations by the scientific editors of journals from around the world. Editors select a small number of articles recently published in the journal that they believe will be particularly interesting to readers, or important in the respective research area. The aim is to provide a snapshot of some of the most exciting work published in the various research areas of the journal.

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By Ahmed Zainul Abideen 1 , Veera Pandiyan Kaliani Sundram 1, 2, * , Jaafar Pyeman 1, 2, * , Abdul Kadir Othman 1, 2 and Shahryar Sorooshian 3, 4

Background: As the Internet of Things (IoT) has become more prevalent in recent years, digital twins have attracted a lot of attention. A digital twin is a virtual representation that replicates a physical object or process over a period of time. These tools directly assist in reducing the manufacturing and supply chain lead time to produce a lean, flexible, and smart production and supply chain setting. Recently, reinforced machine learning has been introduced in production and logistics systems to build prescriptive decision support platforms to create a combination of lean, smart, and agile production setup. Therefore, there is a need to cumulatively arrange and systematize the past research done in this area to get a better understanding of the current trend and future research directions from the perspective of Industry 4.0. Methods: Strict keyword selection, search strategy, and exclusion criteria were applied in the Scopus database (2010 to 2021) to systematize the literature. Results: The findings are snowballed as a systematic review and later the final data set has been conducted to understand the intensity and relevance of research work done in different subsections related to the context of the research agenda proposed. Conclusion: A framework for data-driven digital twin generation and reinforced learning has been proposed at the end of the paper along with a research paradigm.

Digital twin technology creates relatively close connectivity between both the virtual and physical worlds, allowing you to monitor and command systems and components remotely. Moreover, it is now possible to run simulation models to test and forecast resource and process-related changes in various “what-if” scenarios. Hence, organizations are now getting significant benefits from digital twin technology that assists in mapping and analyzing details related to operations performance, product and service innovation, and shorter on time delivery [1, 2].

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The above-mentioned concept is one among the Industry 4.0 tools. Industry 4.0 is defined as the digitization of industrial processes, which incorporates the digitization of data as well as physical attributes [3]. Industry 4.0 is a tool that enhances the technological maturity level of any organizational system that allows for the adoption of digitalization, integration, and automation in the production and supply chain network [2, 3]. Furthermore, the fourth industrial revolution is centered on vertical and horizontal integration of the value chain. Businesses can only sustain their market position in an increasingly competitive market by leveraging the benefits of synergy between production management and logistics [4]. The benefits are realized through logistically integrated production management, including the design of the information system required for planning and execution [5]. Creating a near exact twin of a process or product with well-defined parameters and variables is digital twin. Simulation modelling is the tool to accomplish a digital twin [2]. There have been extensive studies where simulation modelling and the digital twin approach have been applied to study and analyze various operations of production and supply chain systems and measure how they impact organizational performance and development as a whole [6]. However, there are still minimal insights and implications on the results obtained when digital twin technology is assisted with various other I.R 4.0 tools [7]. Currently, various studies have focused on the ‘Know-How’ procedure that could help us build a descriptive model with historical data and conduct only a what-if analysis by changing the variable values for certain operational parameters in the simulation model [8]. Instead of historical data, efforts are being taken to capture and retrieve real-time data using the internet of things and big data technology to feed and simulate a prebuilt digital twin prototype mother file [9]. In this course of action, several disruptions, buffers, delays, and challenges are met in the real-time scenario where solutions for these challenges can also be assigned. Over a course of period these actions can help create a series of patterns (scenario vs. solution) which can be useful to build a prescriptive analytics platform. The authors of this study are keen on studying the development of research in the above-mentioned theory. Authors argue that this combination of digital twin and machine learning has largely been utilized in the medical field and but less researched from the perspective of production, supply chain, and logistics.

Therefore, this study aims to conduct a systematic review of the literature to systematize and study the research findings and implications in the area of digital twin and its benefits when it is coupled with reinforced machine learning to improve production logistics and the supply chain. This research will answer the following research questions: RQ1) What are the applications of digital twin simulation modelling in Supply chain and logistics? RQ2) What is the impact of digital twin and reinforced machine Learning on supply chain and logistics? RQ3) What are the prospects and scope for prescriptive modelling in supply chain and logistics? How will that ease the process of building a decision support system for a supply chain or logistics 4.0? This paper has discussed the research problem and purpose of study in the introduction part followed by a state-of-the-art literature review discussing past research work and gaps. Based on the study, the authors have proposed a conceptual framework in the discussion part and concluded research findings and implications.

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The digital transformation promises newer opportunities. However, only fewer companies can set up Industry 4.0 based production systems [10]. The fourth industrial revolution had an impact not just on the manufacturing sector, but also on the supply chains that supported it. Industry 4.0 can only become a reality if logistics can provide the necessary input components to production systems at the proper time, quality, and location [11]. However, this can only be accomplished by using new technological solutions to efficiently design and manage a more coordinated material flow. Industry 4.0 technology adoption is becoming increasingly vital for businesses to optimize their manufacturing processes and organizational structures. Companies, on the other hand, sometimes struggle to create a strategy plan with newer business models. For a Logistics 4.0 transformation, the firm’s tendency toward logistics 4.0 is determined by the existing use of technologies in the logistics process, as well as the amount of investment towards innovation [12].

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Nonetheless, there are several obstacles to overcome when implementing Industry 4.0. For example, a lack of technological infrastructure makes implementation difficult. Furthermore, there is a scarcity of professionals and knowledgeable staff in this field who can establish a new system or renovate an existing one to achieve the best results [13, 14].

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IR 4.0 has led to the digitization in supply chain and logistics has made way for the evolution of logistics 4.0. Various tools and technological settings from the IR 4.0 have been adopted in the supply chain and logistics setting or environment to leverage the benefits. Digital twin technology offers risk free scenario analysis by developing a predictive and prescriptive decision-making platform for the industry players and it is one of the core technological tools in IR 4.0 [11].

Basically, logistics is the sub-component of supply chain and supply chain is the sub-component of production management. A digitally equipped supply chain platform is the backbone for Industry 4.0 to function. I.R 4.0 tools equip the supply chain and logistics processes such as inbound logistics, warehouse management, intralogistics, outbound logistics and logistics routing, etc. I.R 4.0 based protocols and tools such as Smart data management, Internet of things, cloud computing and Blockchain accelerated the supply chain and logistics processes to greater extent. These create an automated, intelligent and increasingly autonomous flow of assets, goods, materials and information between the point of origin and the point of consumption, and the various points in-between are key. Supply chain logistics processes become more efficient, effective, connected, and agile/flexible in order to meet the needs of market [7, 10, 11, 12].

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Logistics 4.0 sounds similar to the concept of I.R 4.0. Instead

Nonetheless, there are several obstacles to overcome when implementing Industry 4.0. For example, a lack of technological infrastructure makes implementation difficult. Furthermore, there is a scarcity of professionals and knowledgeable staff in this field who can establish a new system or renovate an existing one to achieve the best results [13, 14].

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IR 4.0 has led to the digitization in supply chain and logistics has made way for the evolution of logistics 4.0. Various tools and technological settings from the IR 4.0 have been adopted in the supply chain and logistics setting or environment to leverage the benefits. Digital twin technology offers risk free scenario analysis by developing a predictive and prescriptive decision-making platform for the industry players and it is one of the core technological tools in IR 4.0 [11].

Basically, logistics is the sub-component of supply chain and supply chain is the sub-component of production management. A digitally equipped supply chain platform is the backbone for Industry 4.0 to function. I.R 4.0 tools equip the supply chain and logistics processes such as inbound logistics, warehouse management, intralogistics, outbound logistics and logistics routing, etc. I.R 4.0 based protocols and tools such as Smart data management, Internet of things, cloud computing and Blockchain accelerated the supply chain and logistics processes to greater extent. These create an automated, intelligent and increasingly autonomous flow of assets, goods, materials and information between the point of origin and the point of consumption, and the various points in-between are key. Supply chain logistics processes become more efficient, effective, connected, and agile/flexible in order to meet the needs of market [7, 10, 11, 12].

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Logistics 4.0 sounds similar to the concept of I.R 4.0. Instead

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The Interactive Media - Digital Design Option is a multi-faceted computer-based program designated for students seeking a computer interface design career in digital media in the global marketplace. Students produce designs, symbols, typography, illustrations, photography, video, multimedia, motion graphics, sound, and animation for use in print, web, social media, and interactive media.

Admissions inquiries should be directed toadmissions [at] . Prospective students may apply to the program of their choice by following the enrollment steps at /enrollment-steps.

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Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) allows students to use skills they already have towards a college degree or certificate. Work, life, volunteer and military experience may be translated into credit, allowing students to take fewer classes and earn their degree faster. CPL eliminates redundancies for students who have already earned credentials or mastered skills required for their program of study. Email experience [at] for more information and eligibility.

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Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) and Sex Offender Registry Information (SORI) checks are not required. Fingerprinting and drug testing are not required.

Please consult the Massachusetts Career Information System at or the Occupational Outlook Handbook for specific occupational information. The CIP code for this program is 11.0803.

Students can take an online Career Assessment through Career Coach to determine their strengths, then browse through occupations compatible with their interests and assessment results. To access the online assessment and for more information about particular careers and related academic programs at, visit /career-assessment. Instapick Color Sensor, Portable Color Matching Tool, Digital Pantone Libraries For Users, Mobile And Desktop Supported

The Applied Arts Program at Quinsigamond was established in 1993, as one of the first multi-faceted computer based programs designated for students seeking a design career in digital media in the regional marketplace.

The Interactive Media, Associate in Science Degreeoffers a fully integrated curriculum with state of the art computer software and hard-ware technologies. Assignments in APA designated courses utilize Macintosh computer systems to integrate with new media design and Internet and mobile technologies.

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Upon completion of the program students will have spent over 2000 hours on the computer learning the foundation for proficiency in 12 design based software programs for computer generated publications in print and electronic publications.

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Currently, digital design specialists utilize computer-based technologies to produce designs, symbols, typography, illustrations, animations, 3-D imagery, motion graphics, and video for use in print and electronic publications to help communicate ideas in the global marketplace.

Web publishers, print and online newspapers and magazines, ad agencies and manufacturers all use in-house or freelance digital New Media designers in the branding, promotion and sales of their products. The popularity and worldwide availability of social networking, HD television, digital video and photography, animation, and the expanding global web universe of sights and sounds are creating new and exciting career opportunities for New Media Designers.

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Recently, the APA program has introduced new courses in 3-D Modeling using Maya software and Video Fundamentals. Digital multimedia production integrates and merges text, graphics, sound, animation, photography and video to create, produce and communicate a unique product branding experience.With the College’s well-known art gallery as your personal “lab, ” students in this program learn about art administration, conservation and curatorial work.

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S growing and wide ranging art programs offers students opportunities in areas across many disciplines. We offer degree programs in digital art and design, photography, fine art, and museum and gallery studies. In addition, the department offers special events, lecture series, and internships.

It is the mission of the Department of Art and Design to provide each student with a strong foundation in the traditional techniques and processes utilized in the creation of visual art; to offer students an opportunity to understand the historical importance that visual art has in human society and to gain critical thinking skills through writing and the collaborative discussion of artworks; to assist students in the development of a personal approach to making visual art; and to create an environment for students to incorporate new technologies into the process of creating visual art.

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Our department believes that the development of a strong personal creative vision within a liberal arts foundation gives our students the ability to navigate their place within an ever-changing world. Today’s art and design students require not only up-to-date technical instruction, but equally importantly, a firm grounding in art and design history, hands-on making, self-promotion and exhibition methods. A commitment to life-long engagement with visual art specifically and the arts broadly is what we seek for our students. The Art & Design Department believes that all students deserve the right to a creative, theoretical, and expansive educational experience regardless of economic status, ethnicity, culture or societal expectations. Our department strives to create an inclusive and diverse community that is reflective of the world around us. We foster the understanding that individual creation and public presentation are equally important for a successful visual dialogue.

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The KHC uses the lessons of the Holocaust to educate current and future generations about the ramifications of unbridled prejudice, racism and stereotyping.

QPAC is an invaluable entertainment company in this region with a growing national reputation. The arts at QPAC continues to play a vital role in transforming lives and building stronger communities.

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The Art Gallery of the City University of New York is a vital educational and cultural resource for Queensborough Community College, the Borough of Queens and the surrounding communities.

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Digital Painting - Digital Art Wikipedia Gameplay Store Nyc

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Digital art refers to any artistic work or practice that uses digital technology as part of the creative or prestation process. It can also refer to computational art that uses and gages with digital media.

Lillian Schwartz's Comparison of Leonardo's self-portrait and the Mona Lisa is based on Schwartz's Mona Leo. An example of a collage of digitally manipulated photographs

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John Whitney, a pioneer of computer graphics, developed the first computer-gerated art in the early 1960s by utilizing mathematical operations to create art.

Andy Warhol created digital art using an Amiga where the computer was publicly introduced at the Lincoln Cter, New York, in July 1985. An image of Debbie Harry was captured in monochrome from a video camera and digitized into a graphics program called ProPaint. Warhol manipulated the image by adding color by using flood fills.

Digital art can be purely computer-gerated (such as fractals and algorithmic art) or tak from other sources, such as a scanned photograph or an image drawn using vector graphics software using a mouse or graphics tablet. Artworks are considered digital paintings wh created similarly to non-digital paintings but using software on a computer platform and digitally outputting the resulting image as painted on canvas.

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Amidst varied opinions on the pros and cons of digital technology on the arts, there seems to be a strong conssus within the digital art community that it has created a "vast expansion of the creative sphere", i.e., that it has greatly broaded the creative opportunities available to professional and non-professional artists alike.

Digital visual art consists of either 2D visual information displayed on an electronic visual display or information mathematically translated into 3D information viewed through perspective projection on an electronic visual display. The simplest is 2D computer graphics which reflect how you might draw using a pcil and a piece of paper. In this case, however, the image is on the computer scre, and the instrumt you draw with might be a tablet stylus or a mouse. What is gerated on your scre might appear to be drawn with a pcil, p, or paintbrush. The second kind is 3D computer graphics, where the scre becomes a window into a virtual vironmt, where you arrange objects to be "photographed" by the computer. Typically 2D computer graphics use raster graphics as their primary means of source data represtations, whereas 3D computer graphics use vector graphics in the creation of immersive virtual reality installations. A possible third paradigm is to gerate art in 2D or 3D tirely through the execution of algorithms coded into computer programs. This can be considered the native art form of the computer, and an introduction to the history of which is available in an interview with computer art pioneer Frieder Nake.

To create three-dimsional objects and sces for use in various media such as film, television, print, rapid prototyping, games/simulations, and special visual effects.

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There are many software programs for doing this. The technology can able collaboration, lding itself to sharing and augmting by a creative effort similar to the op source movemt and the creative commons in which users can collaborate on a project to create art.

Pop surrealist artist Ray Caesar works in Maya (a 3D modeling software used for digital animation), using it to create his figures as well as the virtual realms in which they exist.

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Computer-gerated animations are animations created with a computer from digital models created by 3D artists or procedurally gerated. The term is usually applied to works created tirely with a computer. Movies make heavy use of computer-gerated graphics; they are called computer-gerated imagery (CGI) in the film industry. In the 1990s and early 2000s, CGI advanced ough that, for the first time, it was possible to create realistic 3D computer animation, although films had be using extsive computer images since the mid-70s. A number of modern films have be noted for their heavy use of photo-realistic CGI.

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Mainly refers to the process of creating paintings on computer software based on computers or graphic tables. Through pixel simulation, digital brushes in digital software (see the software in Digital painting) can imitate traditional painting paints and tools, such as oil, acrylic acid, pastel, charcoal, and airbrush. Users of the software can also customize the pixel size to achieve a unique visual effect (customized brushes).

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Since their design in 2014, some artists have created artwork using a gerative adversarial network (GAN), which is a machine learning framework that allows two "algorithms" to compete with each other and iterate.

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It is usually used to let the computer find the best solution by itself. It can be used to gerate pictures that have visual effects similar to traditional fine art. The esstial idea of image gerators is that people can use text descriptions to let AI convert their text into visual picture contt. Anyone can turn their language into a painting through a picture gerator.

And some artists can use image gerators to gerate their paintings instead of drawing from scratch, and th they use the gerated paintings as a basis to improve them and finally create new digital paintings. This greatly reduces the threshold of painting and challges the traditional definition of painting art.

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Gerally, the user can set the input, and the input contt includes detailed picture contt that the user wants. For example, the contt can be a sce's contt, characters, weather, character relationships, specific items, etc. It can also include selecting a specific artist style, scre style, image pixel size, brightness, etc. Th picture gerators will return several similar pictures

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Gerated according to the input (gerally, 4 pictures are giv now). After receiving the results gerated by picture gerators, the user can select one picture as a result he wants or let the gerator redraw and return to new pictures.

In both 1991 and 1992, Karl Sims won the Gold Nica award at Prix Ars Electronica for his 3D AI animated videos using artificial evolution.

In 2009, Eric Millikin won the Pulitzer Prize along with several other awards for his artificial intelligce art that was critical of governmt corruption in Detroit and resulted in the city's mayor being st to jail.

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In 2018 Christie's auction house in New York sold an artificial intelligce work, "Edmond de Bellamy" for US$432, 500. It was created by a collective in Paris named "Obvious".

In 2019, Stephanie Dinkins won the Creative Capital award for her creation of an evolving artificial intelligce based on the "interests and culture(s) of people of color."

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Also in 2019, Sougw Chung won the Lum Prize for her performances with a robotic arm that uses AI to attempt to draw in a manner similar to Chung.

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In 2022, an amateur artist using Midjourney won the first-place $300 prize in a digital art competition at the Colorado State Fair.

Also in 2022, Refik Anadol created an artificial intelligce art installation at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, based on the museum's own collection.

In contemporary art, the term digital art is used primarily to describe visual art that is made with digital tools, and also is highly computational, and explicitly gages with digital technologies. Art historian Christiane Paul writes that it "is highly problematic to classify all art that makes use of digital technologies somewhere in its production and dissemination process as digital art since it makes it almost impossible to arrive at any unifying statemt about the art form.

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Digital installation art constitutes a broad field of activity and incorporates many forms. Some resemble video installations, particularly large-scale works involving projections and live video capture. By using projection techniques that hance an audice's impression of ssory velopmt, many digital installations attempt to create immersive vironmts. Others go ev further and attempt to facilitate a complete immersion in virtual realms. This type of installation is gerally site-specific, scalable, and without fixed dimsionality, meaning it can be reconfigured to accommodate differt prestation spaces.

Noah Wardrip-Fruin's "Scre" (2003) is an example of interactive digital installation art which makes use of a Cave Automatic Virtual vironmt to create an interactive experice.

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Scott Snibbe's "Boundary Functions" is an example of augmted reality digital installation art, which response to people who ter the

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Supports powerful polls for groups and channels which can be used for everything from deciding where to have lunch to organizing public service exams or leaderless protests.

Quiz-style polls are a special kind of poll that has one correct answer and an optional explanation which makes them ideal for educational purposes.

 - Digital Art Quizzes Join My Telegram Software

With the help of Quiz Bot you can create multi-question quizzes and share them with others. The bot lets you add text or media

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You can set up a time limit for each question. The bot will keep tabs on how many questions users got right and how much time it took them to complete the quiz. It also keeps a global leaderboard for each quiz you create.

Creating a quiz is very easy, just open @quizbot on , press 'START' and follow the prompts. If you're having any difficulty, please take a look at our Step-By-Step Instructions.

Once your quiz is ready, you can share it to a group or channel – or invite users to answer questions privately, in a chat with the bot. To see how this works, try our demo quiz: Who is Who in the 'Great Minds' sticker pack.

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If you are a developer, you are welcome to use the Bot API to create your own bot that supports polls and quizzes.

1. Name and description. First you will give your quiz a name and an optional description – for educational tests, it's best to use the subject matter, like

Digital Art - Digital Art Quizzes Join My Telegram Software

2. Pre-question text or media. Now comes the time to create the quiz's questions. Tapping the 'Create a question' button opens the template to create your first question. However, if you would like text or media to appear before a question, send that first,

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3. Questions. Once in the new-question interface, simply fill out the fields for what the question is asking, as well as its possible answers. Select the right answer by tapping on it, which will mark it with a green check.

4. Explanations. If you want to participate in our contest, you should add an explanation to each of your questions. Explanations will appear after users choose an answer. They can be used to give more information, clarify common errors, and support full text formatting, including hyperlinks. Once you are finished, tap 'Send' to add the question to your test. Repeat the question-making process until you've added all your quiz's questions, then send /done in the chat.

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5. Timer. Next, the bot will ask you to choose how long users will have to answer each question. For questions that don't require any calculations, 10 or 15 seconds is usually enough. But for something like math, longer timers like 3 to 5 minutes are best. You can always change this setting later on, so don't worry.

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6. Shuffle questions or answer options. The bot will then ask whether you'd like to shuffle question and answer options – meaning the questions will come up in a random order, and the answers for individual questions will be in a random order as well. It's normally a good idea to say 'Yes' here, so students can retake the quiz for practice without simply memorizing the order. However, if you have “all of the above” style answers, or questions that work best if presented in a specific order, select 'No'. Again, this setting can be changed in the future if needed.

7. Submitting your quiz to the contest. The bot will ask if you would like to submit your quiz to the contest. If you choose yes, it will ask a couple of additional questions to confirm your submission.

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8. Testing or sharing your quiz. Your quiz is complete! From here, you'll see an overview of your new quiz, showing the number of questions and its settings. You can 'Start this quiz’, which will do so in a private chat with QuizBot, start it in a group, or forward the quiz to someone via 'Share quiz'. To copy the unique link to your quiz, press and hold 'Start quiz in a group'.

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9. Editing your quizzes. Tapping 'Edit quiz' will allow you to alter any of the quiz's questions or settings, including its title and description. From 'Edit questions' you can add pre-question text or media, replace the question with improved answers, or even add additional questions. To select an individual question to edit, tap its /view link from the panel.

10. Quiz stats. Lastly, you can view Quiz Stats. This shows how many people have taken the quiz, along with who answered the questions most correctly and quickest. You are now the quiz master, ready to put your subjects to the test.

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Articles of organization are part of a form that makes your business official. Read more for tips on how to file LLC articles of organization in your state.

To start an LLC,  you'll need to create articles of organization. This simple document lays out basic information about your LLC—like the name of your company and the purpose of your business. File it with the appropriate state office to make your LLC an official entity.

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States vary in how they refer to the document and the office where you will file it. This guide covers what LLC articles of organization are, how to file them, and important state information you should know to make your LLC official.

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Articles of organization, sometimes known as a certificate of organization or certificate of formation, is an official document that outlines basic details about your company. You must file this document with your state in order to officially establish a business as an LLC. You can think of them as birth certificates for your company.

Depending on your Secretary of State's office, it can take a few business days or up to several weeks to get a response, but most states offer an expedited option. Once these articles are approved and filed, the LLC becomes a legal business entity.

The Secretary of State will review the articles of organization, but there is a chance they may reject them. When they are not approved, it is usually due to issues with the LLC's suggested name, filing the wrong entity, or not following state-specific guidelines for filing.

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You can usually fix incorrect articles of organization and resubmit them by filing an article of amendment, which details the specific changes to the information included in your article of organization.

The purpose of articles of organization is to establish details such as the powers, duties, and obligations of your LLC at a state level.

Yes. If you are planning to start an LLC, you are required to file an article of organization with the Secretary of State and pay a filing fee—no matter what state you reside in.

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Articles of organization and articles of incorporation often get used interchangeably. Although they have the same purpose of outlining the details of your business, there is one key difference.

However, some states may use one name for all business structures, or a different name. Make sure to check your state's rules to see if there are specific filing guidelines for separate business entities.

To begin filing LLC articles of organization, you'll need to have information about your company on hand. Here is a basic breakdown of how to file articles of organization for your LLC.

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Before filing, make sure to gather all of the information you'll need to file. Here is a list of some of the important information that most states will require you to have:

Before you can complete your LLC's articles of organization application, your state will require you to submit additional information, such as operational and organizational details. Here are some examples of what your state may ask you:

Once you provide the necessary information, you'll need to submit your LLC articles of organization for approval. Depending on how your state lets you file, you can either send your paperwork in the mail with a check payment or file it electronically.

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Arizona, Nebraska, and New York require LLCs to publish a notice of formation in their local newspaper. Each state may have different publishing requirements, but your notice should typically include:

Make sure to check your state's publishing guidelines, as there may be an additional fee or specific requirements you'll need to meet.

After you file your LLC articles of organization and they've been approved, there are some other documents and actions you should consider. Here are five things you'll want to make sure you complete after filing:

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An EIN, or an employer identification number, is a nine-digit number given to a company by the IRS for purposes of identification. An EIN is also known as a federal employer identification number or a federal tax identification number.

EINs are essentially Social Security numbers for your business and are usually required to open a business banking account, obtain a business license, or file a business tax return.

To ensure your LLC operates smoothly, you need to create an operating agreement. This agreement outlines your business' functional and financial decisions including regulations, rules, and provisions. Operating agreements are important because they protect your business against personal and financial liabilities, trade secret sharing, and conflicts of interest.

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Now that you have an LLC designation, you can open an LLC bank account. Utilizing a business account for your LLC is more manageable than using your personal one because all your business expenses can be found in one place. It's important to maintain a separation between your personal and business finances to protect your personal assets from liability.

Depending on the type of business you are opening and your state's regulations, you may need a business license. This license will ensure you comply with all state, county, and local laws. You'll need to reach out to your city's licensing authority to obtain an application, or it may also be available online.

In many states, you must file an annual report for your LLC. Filing this report keeps your company compliant with all state regulations and in good standing to preserve your limited liability protection and other benefits.

How To File Llc Articles Of Organization

While most states require similar information when filing articles of organization, every state has its own filing requirements and different fees, processing times, and ways to submit. Here is some key state information to know before filing.

An attorney is not required, and you can file articles of organization by yourself. Each state has different rules and regulations for filing, however. Thus, a business attorney may be able to help you navigate the process and help you better understand and prepare.

LLC Articles Of Organization: What Are They And How To File - How Do I Make Digital Articles Of Organization Chart

If you are filing articles of organization, you don't need to register your business name. Registering your LLC in the articles of organization also serves as registering your business name.

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This depends on the state you're filing in. Some states will require other forms, such as a docketing statement or an initial list of managers or managing members. Check with your state to see if there are additional forms that are required. Or follow the state-by-state guide above for more information.

Writing an articles of organization for an LLC is simple because most states have the form created and ready for you to fill out. This takes the hassle out of having to create it yourself.

All you'll need to do is download the form and fill in the information, like your LLC's name, address, type of business, the purpose of business, and more. Make sure you're downloading your state's correct form, as some states may require additional information.

Articles Of Organization: What To Include In Them (2022)

Articles of organization are public records if they're filed with the state. If you're starting a company, ensure you don't reveal confidential information.

If you're ready to get your company running and form your business, articles of organization are a required step to reach that goal.

This portion of the site is for informational purposes only. The content is not legal advice. The statements and opinions are the expression of the author, not , and have not been evaluated by for accuracy, completeness, or changes in the law.The Articles of Organization is the form you fill-in and file with the state in order to form your LLC. It is also known as the:

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To learn more about filing the Articles of Organization for an LLC in a specific part of the US, select your state below:

Easy Steps To File Articles Of Organization - How Do I Make Digital Articles Of Organization Chart

Having a creative and smart business name is important but not as important as having a legally correct name. You'll need to look up your name to see if it is available (e.g., Florida LLC Lookup).

To learn more about naming rules for LLCs in your state, visit our How to Name a Business guide and choose your state.

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Need Help Choosing a Name? If you need help coming up with a business name, try our business name generator. You can use this tool to generate both business names and domain names.

A registered agent accepts and sends legal documents on your LLC’s behalf. In some states, a registered agent is called a statutory agent, resident agent, or agent for service of process.

To learn more about registered agents and for free step-by-step guides on choosing a registered agent in your state, read our What is a Registered Agent guide.

How To Start An Llc In Alaska In 2023

Manager managed LLCs usually have a relatively large number of members and those members aren’t willing to be involved with day-to-day operations of the business.

Some states have low fees and others charge as much as $500 for filing the Articles of Organization. Processing times vary widely and some states offer expedited handling.

For help filing your Articles of Organization, consider hiring an LLC formation company. For a small fee, companies like Northwest can make filing your Articles of Organization even easier.

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Organizational Structure For Companies With Examples And Benefits

Although most states don’t require you to have an operating agreement in order to form an LLC, it's still a good idea to have one.

An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is like a social security number for your LLC. You will need an EIN if you want to hire employees

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